Cost*- Trip Cancellation
150% of Trip Cost-Trip Interruption
Pays this benefit up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule
of Benefits if a Trip is canceled or interrupted due to any
of the following Unforeseen circumstances:
· Sickness, injury, or death of you, your Family Member,
Traveling Companion, or Business Partner. Cancellation due to
an injury or Sickness of a Family Member must be because their
condition is life-threatening, or because the Family Member
requires your or a Traveling Companion's care;
· Sickness, Injury, hospitalization, or death of the
Insured's Host at Destination. A Physician must certify the
Injury or Sickness;
· Financial Default of an airline, cruise line, or tour
operator resulting in the complete cessation of services. This
coverage applies only if: (1) you purchased this coverage within
15 days of initial trip payment; and (2) the Financial Default
occurs more than 14 days after your coverage effective date;
· The Insured or Travel Companion is involuntarily terminated
or laid off, provided that he or she has been an active employee
for the same employer for at least one year. Termination must
occur following the effective date of coverage. This provision
is not applicable to temporary employment, independent contractors
or self-employed persons;
· You or your Traveling companion is required to work
during his/her scheduled Trip. He/she must provide proof of
requirement to work, such as a notarized statement signed by
an officer of his/her employer;
· You or your Traveling Companion is directly involved
in a merger, acquisition, government required product recall,
or bankruptcy proceedings and must be currently employed by
the company that is involved in said event;
· Your or your Traveling Companion's company is deemed
to be unsuitable for business due to burglary, or Natural Disaster
and the Insured or Traveling Companion is directly involved
as a Key Employee of the disaster recovery team.
· Inclement Weather causing cancellation or interruption
of travel;
· Strike resulting in the complete cessation of travel
services at the point of departure or Destination;
· Your Primary Residence or Destination being made uninhabitable
by vandalism, burglary, or Natural Disaster;
· You or your Traveling Companion being subpoenaed, required
to serve on a jury, hijacked, or quarantined;
· You or your Traveling Companion being called into active
military service or having leave revoked or being reassigned;
· Mechanical/equipment failure of a Common Carrier that
occurs on a scheduled Trip and causes complete cessation of
the Insured's travel and results in a Loss of 50% of the Insured's
Trip length;
· A Terrorist Incident in a City listed on your itinerary
within 30 days of your scheduled arrival.
"City" means an incorporated municipality
having defined borders and does not include the high seas, uninhabited
areas, or airspace.
"Family Member" means the Insured's, or Traveling
Companion's spouse, Domestic Partner, Child, daughter-in-law,
son-in-law, brother, sister, mother, father, grandparents, grandchild,
step-child, step-brother, step-sister, step-parents, parents-in-law,
brother-in-law, sister-in-law, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, legal
guardian, Caregiver, legal ward or Domestic Partner of any of
the above.
"Financial Default" means the total cessation
of operations due to insolvency, with or without the filing
of a bankruptcy petition by a tour operator, cruise line, or
airline provided the Financial Default occurs more than 14 days
following your effective date for the Trip Cancellation Benefits.
There is no coverage for the Financial Default of any
person, organization, agency or firm from whom you purchased
travel arrangements supplied by others.
"Sickness" means an illness or disease diagnosed
or treated by a physician.
$750 Trip Interruption-Return Air Only
Reimburses the additional airline transportation expenses up
to the Maximum Benefit shown on the Schedule of Benefits incurred
by you to reach the return destination for Trip Interruptions
due to one of the Unforeseen events listed above. However, the
benefit payable above will not exceed the cost of economy airfare
(or same class of your original tickets) by the most direct
route, less any refunds paid or payable.
$750 Trip Delay(Maximum of $150 per
Reimburses up to $150 a day to the Maximum Benefit shown on
the Schedule of Benefits for Reasonable, Additional Expenses
for meals, accommodations, taxi fares, and essential phone calls,
if your Trip is delayed for more than 5 hours due to covered
Missed Connection
Reimburses this benefit up to the Maximum Benefit shown on the
Schedule of Benefits if Inclement Weather or Common Carrier
causes cancellation or a delay of regularly scheduled airline
flights for three or more hours to your point of departure.
Insurance Coverage
Baggage & Personal Effects Loss
Can reimburse you if your Baggage
is lost, stolen, or damaged while on your Trip, subject to the
Maximum Benefit. This coverage is in excess of any other coverage
or indemnity.
Baggage Delay
If your Baggage is delayed
more than 12 hours, you can be reimbursed for the purchase of
Necessary Personal Effects, subject to the Maximum Benefit.
Coverage for accidental death
or dismemberment that occurs when traveling on a regularly scheduled
flight or charter, subject to the Maximum shown in the Schedule.
Rental Collision Coverage
$35,000 in primary coverage, subject to a $250 deductible.
Covers collision damage to a rental car for which the car rental
contract would hold you responsible.
Upgrade Coverage
Valuable addition to increase
your coverage limit. Your Medical and Emergency Evacuation Benefits
will double. Emergency Evacuation to the adequate licensed medical
facility of the Insured's choice. Available globally, anytime
you are more than 100 miles from home.
For Any Reason
Provides reimbursement
of 50% of nonrefundable expenses if you decide to cancel for
any reason up to 48 hours prior to departure.
Medical &
Other Insurance Coverage
Medical Expense
Pays this benefit, up to the Maximum Benefit
shown on the Schedule of Benefits. Pays for necessary medical
expenses incurred while on a Trip.
Emergency Evacuation
Covers evacuation and transportation as
directed by a Physician to the nearest adequate medical facility
(home in the event of death or if medically required). Pays
for special medical escort if recommended in writing by the
attending Physician.
Accidental Death & Dismemberment
Pays for loss of life or limb if it occurs within 365 days of
an accident during your Trip.
Insurer will not pay for any Loss or expense incurred as the
result of an injury, Sickness, or other condition of you, a
Traveling Companion, Business Partner, or Family Member which,
within the 180-day period immediately preceding and including
your coverage effective date: first manifested itself or had
symptoms which would have prompted a reasonable person to seek
diagnosis, care, or treatment; or, for which care or treatment
was given or recommended by a physician; or required the taking
of prescription drugs or medicines, unless the condition for
which the drugs or medicines are taken remains controlled without
any change in the prescription drugs or medicines.Pre-Existing
Medical Condition Exclusion Waiver: 1. You purchase the plan
within 15 days of making your initial trip payment; 2. The amount
of Trip Cancellation coverage purchased must equal the full
cost of all pre-paid non-refundable Trip arrangements. The cost
of any subsequent arrangement(s) added to the same Trip must
be insured within 15 days of the date of payment or deposit
for any subsequent Trip arrangement(s). Failure to do so may
affect the pre-existing medical condition waiver; 3. You must
be medically able to travel when you pay your plan cost. 4.
Applies to the first $30,000 of Trip cost per person.